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Arizona Mike


Matt left, and his two boys; Fred in the middle and Thomas to the right flew in their private plane from Anchorage to Nome, AK for an AKAU prospecting adventure during Minelab Week 2020. They flew into Nome in near IFR conditions, were picked up in the AKAU shuttle, got to camp and went right to highbanking. This was their first time on a highbanker and got to experience running pay dirt through it and then the clean up/panning afterwards. They got some nice gold too and were amazed at much they recovered. The next day, they tried there hand at metal detecting with the Minelab Gold Monster 1000 and were fascinated on not only how easy the Gold Monster was to run, but also how small the nuggets were that the Monster could pick up. The Family left the next day making their way back to California wishing they could stay longer saying they really enjoyed the adventure and would be coming back next year for sure.

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manfaat olahraga secara rutin membantu meningkatkan kesehatan jantung, kekuatan otot, dan kesejahteraan mental, serta mendukung pengelolaan berat badan yang sehat.


Cara diet yang efektif adalah dengan mengonsumsi makanan seimbang, mengurangi asupan kalori, dan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik secara teratur.


Diet intermittent fasting melibatkan pola makan yang mengatur waktu makan dan puasa secara bergantian untuk membantu penurunan berat badan dan meningkatkan kesehatan metabolik.


Gula stevia adalah pemanis alami yang berasal dari daun tanaman stevia dan memiliki kalori nol sehingga cocok untuk diet rendah gula.


Diet TWS mengutamakan pola makan seimbang dengan mengonsumsi banyak buah, sayur, protein tanpa lemak, dan biji-bijian utuh, serta menghindari makanan olahan dan gula tambahan.

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